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All on 4 implants is a treatment procedure that essentially involves replacement of all missing teeth in one jaw or both jaws (4+4) by using only 4 implants.


kathrym Cooper

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
All on 4

What is an All on 4 Implant treatment?

All on 4 implants is a treatment procedure that essentially involves replacement of all missing teeth in one jaw or both jaws (4+4)  by using only 4 implants.

All On Four Dental Implant (Nobel Biocare), Straumann & Anyridge

The All-on-4 is a technologically advanced  implant procedure that basically provides patients with a new set of teeth in either on their upper or lower jaws or both the jaws in a single day.

All-on-4 is special process that it provides patients with a whole new set of teeth using only four implants per arch. Published studies show a 99% success rate using All ON 4 dental implants. The process of implant placement takes approximately 2 hours per arch. The prosthesis is firmly fastened into place at an angle which allows more contact support with your natural bone, therefore the majority of time bone grafting is not required. All ON 4 allows shorter treatment time, less discomfort and is subsequently more cost effective.

All-On-4_Immediate-dentalThe All-on-4 dental implant treatment has been developed to maximize the use of available bone on anterior jaw and to allow for Immediate loading by the uses tilting posterior implants.

All On Four Dental Implants Follow Below Steps
  1. Tooth extraction (if needed)
  2. Implant post placement
  3. Make and Fit Prosthetics on implant

With the all-on-4 dental implant techniques, teeth are extracted and the implant post placed during the same surgical visit. A fixed acrylic bridge is fabricated and functioning within 1 to 2 days after surgery. The timeline for all-on-4 dental implants is thus completed within one trip. Patients are able to opt to have the acrylic bridge converted into a porcelain bridge at a later stage.

Advantages of All on Four Dental Implant Treatment
  • all-on-4 dental implant treatment has very short treatment time
  • ease of transition in replacing poor prognosis to new function teeth
  • immediate function
  • all-on-4 dental implant treatments is suited for all bone quantities except for very severe resorption cases

Differences between All on Four and conventional dental implants

All on 4 implant treatment uses only 4 implants, unlike traditional implants where 5-8 implants are needed in one arch.
The traditional implant treatment usually requires bone grafting procedures and prolong the duration of the treatment. All on 4 implants do not require a bone grafting procedure as the implants are placed in strategic areas of the jaw where there is more available jaw bone often eliminating the need for costly and time consuming bone grafting, sinus lift procedures.
All on 4 Implant treatments saves your time and money as well as repeated surgeries and discomfort.

Why All On 4 Dental Implants?

With the All On 4 dental implant procedure, the posterior implants are tilted 45° towards the rear of the mouth and placed into the anterior maxilla, a region of the jaw with higher bone density. Implants for conventional denture replacement means no more slipping, clicking and adhesives associated with dentures. All-on-4™ implants function like natural teeth allowing patients to eat and taste the foods they like again. This all leads to increased self confidence and a more active lifestyle.

If you’re tired of trying to hide your smile, it’s time to schedule your 30-minute All On 4 assessment with Golden Smile Dent

During your 30-minute consultation, our experienced dentist will explain what is All On 4, she will examine your teeth, gums, bone, and smile using a panoramic scan. You’ll discuss your personal needs and treatment outcomes directly with our dentist, so she can create a personalized treatment plan specifically for you.

Every consultation includes:
  • A thorough 15-minute All On 4 assessment with Dr. Theo Spryakis
  • A  Panoramic scan of your teeth and jaw
  • And a recommended treatment plan to restore your smile, and get you back in the picture

Watch the Procedure Video
